About Me

My thoughts about love life, and happiness were greatly influenced my childhood and experiences in life I could never regret.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

At heart. (in reality)

Every relationship has its ups and downs. Its spontaneity drives everyone to act differently;to be someone they thought they'd never be. Some even lose themselves along the way. And when the relationship is over, they need time to find themselves back. But do we really lose ourselves? Or we just temporarily set aside who we are to adapt with the personality of the person we love? But we've never totally forgotten who we were before they met us.

A person is unconsciously programmed to change and meet the expectations of his/her partner.Though I certainly agree that no one is obliged to change and must be accepted for who we are, BUT.. it's like an automatic reflex that comes from within. Before you can even think of what to do, your body has responded already. It's like when you wake up, the first thing you do is open your eyes. Or when it's cold, your body temperature rises to adapt on the changes. So regardless if your partners ask for it or not, you give in. Should we blame them? Definitely not. Because they do the same. Everybody does it.

So do I.

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